Who are you ?

We are qualified teachers from Egypt having Ijazah in Hafs an Asem

How much time is the class ?

30 minutes

How can I register?

Go to contact page and send us a message or contact us through the mobile number on whatsapp

Is there a trial class ?

Yes,  there is a trial class

Is there a discount for family ?

Yes, There is a discount for family members.

What you will need ?

You will require following things for online classes    
- A computer system / laptop.
- A Broadband internet connection DSL/Cable.
- A Microphone and Speakers.
- Conversational softwares

How will I actually receive Quran lesson?

Tutor will call student on computer through Skype and will be able to talk to each other just like telephone
Tutor and child will share the same lesson on their computer screens. Tutor will teach the lesson, student will read and tutor can correct any mistake made by the student.

How do I pay ?

You will be charged a monthly amount depending on the package that you select. you will send the payment to Payoneer, Paypal or skrill.